NI43-101Pre-Feasibility Study Report - page 368

Rare Element Resources
Bear Lodge Project
Canadian NI 43-101
October 9
, 2014
10135-200-46 - Rev. 0
Steam and Cold Water Utilities
Hydromet Plant Steam Boilers
Two natural gas fired boilers will supply steam to the process.
Hydromet Plant Cooling Towers
One multi cell cooling tower will supply cooling water to the process.
Hydromet Plant Chillers
Three chillers are planned to supply chilled water for the oxalic acid cooling
17.7 Process Description Unit 500 – Chemical Reagent Storage Facilities
35% Hydrochloric Acid
Concentrated HCl will be piped into the plant from the UTRAN Supply Station
located nearby and stored in Tank (500-TAK-002) until fed to the process.
18% Hydrochloric Acid
Recycled 18% hydrochloric acid from the acid regeneration unit is stored in Tank
(500-TAK-001) until fed to the process.
Nitric Acid Storage
Nitric acid (65%) will be shipped to the plant and stored in Tank (500-TAK-014)
until fed to the process.
Limestone Powder
Crushed limestone (-1/2”) is produced locally. The crushed limestone will be
pulverized to -250 mesh in a vendor supplied package plant and stored in silo
(500-SIL-002) until fed to the process.
Quicklime Powder
Quicklime powder is only needed in small volumes, and so will be shipped in
super sacs and stored in silo (500-SIL-003) until fed to the metal carbonate
reactor #2 (350-REA-002). Quicklime in very small volumes will also be used for
final tailings pH adjustment after the PUG mill (250-MIL-001), and will be supplied
in 80 lb. bags.
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