NI43-101Pre-Feasibility Study Report - page 315

Rare Element Resources
Bear Lodge Project
Canadian NI 43-101 Technical Report
October 9
, 2014
10135-200-46 - Rev. 0
material for slope stability purposes. An underdrain collection system will be installed
in drainages within the footprint of the waste rock dump as needed to intercept water
from naturally occurring seeps and springs, as well as seepage from the dump. The
underdrains will be routed to discharge into sediment control structures for water
quality sampling purposes prior to discharge into the receiving drainage/stream.
Surface water diversion ditches along the toe of the waste rock are located as
needed to collect and route runoff from the waste dump to a sediment control
structure to prevent direct discharge into receiving waters. Based on the Wyoming
Department of Environmental Quality, Land Quality Division Guidelines, the runoff
conveyance structures (ditches, pipes, spillways, etc.) are sized to convey peak flows
generated for the 100-year, 6-hour design storm event. The sediment control
structures are to have sufficient capacity to accumulate one year of sediment
generation from the contributing catchment area, plus average monthly operations,
plus containment of the 10-year, 24-hour storm event, plus safely route and discharge
peak flow from the 100-year, 6-hour design storm event. The sediment control
structure capacities will be confirmed in later designs to meet these requirements.
Low level outlet works for normal operations will consist of a manually-operated gated
outlet structure at the upstream toe and buried discharge pipeline under the dam.
Waste material will report to the WRF starting with the pre-production period through
Year 38. Low-grade ore will report to the low-grade ore stockpile within the WRF
between preproduction and Year 15. Table 16.3, presented in Section 16.4, is a LOM
summary of the waste mining schedule and of low-grade ore placement in and
recovery from the WRF.
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