Rare Element Resources
Bear Lodge Project
Canadian NI 43-101 Technical Report
October 9
, 2014
10135-200-46 - Rev. 0
Table 13.29 - Analysis of REE product................................................................................ 13-50
Table 14.1 - Block Model Size and Location Parameters ..................................................... 14-2
Table 14.2 - Bull Hill Resource Estimation Domains............................................................. 14-4
Table 14.3 - Procedure for Calculating Trend-Flattened Coordinates .................................. 14-6
Table 14.4 - Rotation Parameters to Flatten Trend Models .................................................. 14-7
Table 14.5 - Summary of Density Measurements ................................................................. 14-8
Table 14.6 - Method for Measuring and Calculating Density ................................................ 14-9
Table 14.7 - Core Recovery by Oxide Type and FMR Content........................................... 14-10
Table 14.8 - Apparent TREO Grade Bias for Low- and High Core Recovery Samples ...... 14-15
Table 14.9 - Parameters for Optimized Grade-Zone Compositing...................................... 14-16
Table 14.10 - Procedure for Optimized Grade-Zone Compositing...................................... 14-16
Table 14.11 - Basic Statistics for Grade-Zoned Composites .............................................. 14-18
Table 14.12 - Adjustment Factors for Grade Estimation ..................................................... 14-22
Table 14.13 - Formulae for Estimation of Missing Fe
, MnO, and CaO Grades ............. 14-23
Table 14.14 - Rotations by Domain for Computation of Global Variograms ....................... 14-25
Table 14.15 - Summary of Global Variogram Models ......................................................... 14-25
Table 14.16 - Parameters for NN Assignment of OreZONE ............................................... 14-31
Table 14.17 - Search Parameters for IDP Estimation of Grades ........................................ 14-33
Table 14.18 - Parameters for IDP Estimation of Grades in the Oxide Zone ....................... 14-34
Table 14.19 - Parameters for IDP Estimation of Grades in the OxCa Zone ....................... 14-35
Table 14.20 - Parameters for IDP Estimation of Grades in the Transition Zone................. 14-36
Table 14.21 - Parameters for IDP Estimation of Grades in the Sulfide Zone...................... 14-37
Table 14.22 - Comparison of IDP vs. NN Estimates for Total REO .................................... 14-39
Table 14.23 - IDP:NN Ratios for Iron, Manganese, and Calcium........................................ 14-40
Table 14.24 - Formulae for Block Density Estimation ......................................................... 14-41
Table 14.25 - Compositing Dilution Summary..................................................................... 14-43
Table 14.26 - Dilution from Inverse-Distance-Power Estimation......................................... 14-45
Table 14.27 - Parameters for Resource Classification........................................................ 14-47
Table 14.28 - Measured and Indicated Resources Using a Range of Cutoff Grades ......... 14-48
Table 14.29 - Summary of Measured and Indicated Resource by Deposit......................... 14-50