NI43-101Pre-Feasibility Study Report - page 271

Rare Element Resources
Bear Lodge Project
Canadian NI 43-101 Technical Report
October 9
, 2014
10135-200-46 - Rev. 0
14.13 Block Model Verification – IDP vs NN
The IDP Model was verified in comparison with the NN model to ensure that
estimates were unbiased on an overall basis, and to verify that the variance of the
block estimates was similar to that predicted from the variogram F-Functions.
The comparison for TREO, tabulated in Table 14.22, was done using only those
blocks classified as measured and indicated blocks, since the inferred blocks don’t
have sufficient reliability for this comparison. The results of NN vs IDP comparisons
show that the difference between the average IDP and NN grades is generally better
than 3.5% for individual zones, and is better than 1.5% for the average of any oxide
zone/OreZONE combination. The variance reduction from NN block estimates is also
generally in the expected range.
IDP vs NN comparisons for Fe
, MnO, and CaO are tabulated in Table 14.23 and
show that those estimates are also unbiased, and that volume-variance effects are
accounted for within reasonable limits.
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