Rare Element Resources
Bear Lodge Project
Canadian NI 43-101 Technical Report
October 9
, 2014
10135-200-46 - Rev. 0
The oxide-carbonate zone (OxCa) is visually similar to oxidized mineralization in the
overlying oxide/FMR zone, with all or nearly all of the sulfide minerals oxidized and
residual matrix carbonate greater than 1.5 percent. The rare earth mineral
assemblage consists of variable proportions of fibrous bastnasite group minerals,
stubby ancylite, and generally subordinate monazite and cerianite. Hexagonal
pseudomorphs occur also in this zone and contain bastnasite group minerals and/or
ancylite accompanied by strontianite and barite. Bastnasite appears to form largely
from the partial to nearly complete replacement of ancylite. The upper boundary of
this zone is irregular, and locally shallows above some of the more robust dike zones.
7.5.4 Oxide Zone
The oxide zone extends from the surface to depths of up to 600 feet (183m).
dikes and veins within the oxide zone represent primary carbonatite that was
subjected to intense oxidation and complete to nearly complete leaching of gangue
carbonates. FMR consists primarily of iron and manganese oxides and amorphous
silica, along with variable abundances of silicate and accessory minerals that may
include biotite, quartz, chalcedony, K feldspar, apatite, barite, and celestite. The FMR
veins and dikes host significant hydrothermal or supergene REE minerals, dominantly
bastnasite group minerals, with subordinate monazite and cerianite. The FMR
material occurs as stockwork veinlets, veins, and dikes throughout the oxidized zone.
A schematic cross section of the Bull Hill dike and vein swarm is shown in Figure 7.4.
Selected significant drill intercepts, alteration zones, and mineralization types are
summarized in the figure.