Rare Element Resources
Bear Lodge Project
Canadian NI 43-101 Technical Report
October 9
, 2014
10135-200-46 - Rev. 0
rocks along a northwest-trending corridor that extends from the south and west flanks
of Bull Hill, through the Whitetail diatreme, towards the Carbon Hill diatreme.
Figure 7.3 - Geology of the Bear Lodge Project area
(John Ray, Rare Element, 2013)
Major structural trends are oriented west-northwest, northwest (parallel to the axis of
the dome), north, and northeast or east-northeast. Widespread thin soil cover and
lack of outcrop hinder structural mapping and interpretation. Surface rock exposure in
the complex is probably on the order of 5% or less. Data obtained between 2011 and
2013 from surface mapping of drill pads, roads, and trenches, along with borehole
televiewer data and detailed geological cross sections support earlier district-wide
observations that indicate a predominant orthogonal set of northwest and northeast
structures, as well as subordinate north-northwest, east-northeast, and northerly
trending structures. Geophysical surveys (magnetics, radiometrics, and IP/resistivity)
are in accord with the field data. Emplacement of REE mineralized carbonatite and
carbonatite-related dikes, veins, and stockwork is controlled primarily along the
northwesterly structures, with subordinate controls along northerly and east-
northeasterly structures. Carbonatite-related REE mineralization extends along the
northwesterly trending zone for more than 1800 meters (Figure 7.3)