Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 705

Bear Lodge Project – Bull Hill Mine
January 2013
Weed Management Plan
13) Scotch thistle (
Onopordum acanthium
14) Musk thistle (
Carduus nutans
15) Common burdock (
Arctium minus
16) Plumeless thistle (
Carduus acanthoides
17) Dyers woad (
Isatis tinctoria
18) Houndstongue (
Cynoglossum officinale
19) Spotted knapweed (
Centaurea maculosa
20) Diffuse knapweed (
Centaurea diffusa
21) Purple loosestrife (
Lythrum salicaria
22) Saltcedar (
23) Common St. Johnswort (
Hypericum perforatum
24) Common tansy (
Tanacetum vulgare
25) Russian olive (
Elaeagnus angustifolia
Declared Weed
: This is “any plant which the Wyoming Board of Agriculture and the Wyoming
Weed and Pest Council have found, either by virtue of its direct effect or as a carrier of disease or
parasites, to be detrimental to the general welfare of persons residing within a district” (i.e., county
weed and pest control district) (WWP 1973).
The 2012 Declared Weed List for Crook County (Wyoming Weed and Pest 2012) includes the six
species listed below:
Black henbane (
Hyoscyamus niger
Bull thistle (
Cirsium vulgare
Great plains yucca (
Yucca glauca
Wild licorice (
Glycyrrhiza lepidota
Common mullein (
Verbascum thapsus
Sulphur cinquefoil (
Potentilla recta
Weed of Concern
: Refers to any plant that is typically not native to the county or region and which
under the right conditions can be invasive.
The Weeds of Concern List for the BHNF/BRD (BHNF 2012) includes the two species listed below:
Cheatgrass (
Bromus tectorum
Japanese brome (
Bromus japonicus
Invasive Weed
: Refers to a “species that is non-native to the ecosystem under consideration and
whose introduction causes or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human
health” (US 1999). Invasive weeds include not only weeds of concern, but designated noxious
weeds, declared weeds, and other plants that are not native to this country.
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