Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 704

Bear Lodge Project – Bull Hill Mine
January 2013
Weed Management Plan
New invaders
New areas of infestation
Spreading or expanding infestations
Existing infestations
Treat individual plants or groups of plants in areas where R2 sensitive or species of local
concern plants occur. Use a treatment method that is the least risk to the species being
Apply chemical agents at the lowest effective rates and as large droplets or pellets to
reduce drift. Follow label directions.
Use certified noxious-weed-free seed, feed, and mulch. Seed will be tested for noxious
weeds at the time of purchase.
Use buffers around water sources, lakes, wetlands, and streams to keep concentrations of
chemical agents in water well below those harmful to drinking, irrigation, aquatic life,
and non-target vegetation. Treatment of individual plants with aquatic-labeled chemical
agents may occur in buffers.
Monitor weed treatments used at R2 sensitive and species of local concern plant
occurrences and re-treat as needed during the season.
Designated Noxious Weed
: These are “weeds, seeds, or other plant parts that are considered
detrimental, destructive, injurious, or poisonous, either by virtue of their direct effect or as carriers
of diseases or parasites that exist within this state, and are on the designated list”. The designated
list is a list of weeds and pests that are “designated by joint resolution of the Wyoming Board of
Agriculture and the Wyoming Weed and Pest Council”.
The Wyoming Weed and Pest Control Act
provides information on the State of Wyoming Weed and Pest Districts and the Wyoming
designated and prohibited noxious weed species list. The Act currently includes 25 weed species
and can be accessed at
Per this Act, weed control is the
responsibility of the landowner or the owner of the right-of-way or easement (WWP 1973 and US
The 2012Wyoming Designated Noxious Weeds and Prohibited Noxious Weeds List includes the 25
species listed below:
1) Field bindweed (
Convolvulus arvensis
2) Canada thistle (
Cirsium arvense
3) Leafy spurge (
Euphorbia esula
4) Perennial sowthistle (
Sonchus arvensis
5) Quackgrass (
Agropyron repens
6) Hoary cress (whitetop) (
Cardaria draba
Cardaria pubescens
7) Perennial pepperweed (giant whitetop) (
Lepidium latifolium
8) Ox-eye daisy (
Chrysanthemum leucanthemum
9) Skeletonleaf bursage (
Franseria discolor
10) Russian knapweed (
Centaurea repens
11) Yellow toadflax (
Linaria vulgaris
12) Dalmatian toadflax (
Linaria dalmatica
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