Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 466

Interim Baseline Radiological Investigation Report
November 14, 2012
Bear Lodge Project, for Rare Element Resources, Inc.
Table 8.5
Table 8.6
Table 8.7
Table 9.1
Summary Statistics for Lanthanide Concentrations in Air
Concentrations Measured at Bear Lodge AMS Locations
Concentrations Measured at Bear Lodge AMS Locations
Ambient Exposure Rates Determined Using OSLs
List of Figures
Figure 1.1
Bear Lodge Property Site Layout and Geographic Setting
Figure 3.1
High Pressure Ion Chamber and Gamma Count Rate Measurement
Figure 3.2
High Pressure Ion Chamber and Gamma Count Rate Measurement Linear
Regression Model
Figure 3.3
Exposure Rates Predicted from Gamma Count Rates
Figure 3.4
Exposure Rates Predicted from Gamma Count Rates on Miller Creek Road
(Outside the Project)
Figure 4.1
Soil Sample and Radon Flux Locations
Figure 7.1
Radon and Airborne Particulate Monitoring Locations with Predicted
Gamma Exposure Rates
List of Appendices
Appendix A Instrument Calibration and Function Check Forms
Appendix B Laboratory Analytical Data: Soils
Appendix C Radon Flux Measurement Documentation
Appendix D Laboratory Analytical Data: Radon in Air
Appendix E Laboratory Analytical Data: Particulates
Appendix F Laboratory Analytical Data: Ambient Gamma Exposure Rates
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