Bear Lodge Plan of Operations - page 259

Prefeasibility Access Road Design-Revised
The design for Warren Peak Road does not have any grades in excess of 6%, but
approximately 70% of this route is near maximum grade (5½ to 6%). Of the total
50,000’ route, about 35,000’, or 70%, is at maximum grade. In addition there is a
19,000’ continuous stretch of road at maximum grade. Although the route satisfies
the design criteria, having such a large percentage of the road at maximum grade is
concerning, especially with 19,000’ in one continuous stretch. This will increase the
risk of accidents for the Warren Peak route when compared to the Miller Creek
route, especially during the winter.
Environmental Protection
Potential environmental impacts associated with the road construction would be
removal of existing trees and foliage, stream degradation, erosion, air quality and
The removal of trees and disturbance of existing foliage will be minimized by only
disturbing the areas which are necessary for the construction of the road. Disturbed
areas will be re-vegetated as construction activities and weather allow. Seed
mixtures and mulching used for the project must be certified weed free to prevent
the introduction of noxious weeds. The disturbed areas should be inspected
annually for weeds and any which are observed must be sprayed in a timely manner.
Stream degradation can be minimized by the careful use of best management
practices (BMP’s) for sediment and erosion control. These practices will keep
sediment from leaving the project site and entering streams and will also prevent
erosion in existing drainages.
The BMP’s that will be used during and after the construction of the road are silt
fence, erosion control logs, bales, temporary berms, outlet traps, rock check dams,
gabion baskets, sediment basins, drainage channels, erosion control blankets, and
re-vegetation with ditch linings. Exhibits of these BMP’s are included in Appendix B.
Silt fence is a temporary containment structure to be used while construction
activities are occurring. It will be installed prior to construction activities and at the
toe of cut and fill slopes. Its function will be to act as small sediment containment
systems, diversion structures, and protection to water bodies. Proper installation of
the silt fence is important to ensure that water does not flow under the fence. The
fence will be inspected regularly and properly maintained to retain its effectiveness.
Erosion control logs are a small containment system which can be installed prior to
construction or while construction is taking place. They will be installed along cut
and fill areas and in ditches. The logs will be inspected to insure that: the logs have
not been installed in a trench, the log edges extend to contain run-off, logs are
adequately staked, no gaps exist between logs, and the material is in continuous
contact with the ground. Maintenance activities which will be required include:
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