NI43-101Pre-Feasibility Study Report - page 515

Rare Element Resources
Bear Lodge Project
Canadian NI 43-101 Technical Report
October 9
, 2014
10135-200-46 - Rev. 0
20.2 USFS Plan of Operations
A Plan of Operations for Mining Activities on National Forest Service System Lands
(Plan of Operations) was submitted to the Black Hills National Forest, Bear Lodge
Ranger District in Sundance, Wyoming in early 2012 and was accepted by the USFS
as complete in May 2013. Minor updates were incorporated into the Plan of
Operations and accepted by the USFS accordingly in February 2014. Since then, the
USFS has selected a Project Manager and prime contractor for the preparation of the
The Plan of Operations includes a detailed description of the mine operations,
including equipment specifications, sizes, capacity, and use frequency, as well as
facility layouts for the pit, waste rock disposal, physical upgrade plant, low-grade ore
storage, powder magazine, site access roads, electrical transmission lines,
maintenance buildings, fuel storage, and sanitation facilities, such as raw water well
and water conveyance system components.
In addition to the facilities located on USFS land, the Hydrometallurgical plant and
TSF located in Upton, Wyoming are also addressed in the Plan of Operation since
the operation of these facilities is connected to the Bull Hill Mine operations.
The ore from the Bull Hill Mine contains small quantities of uranium and thorium. The
current beneficiation and tailings disposal methods will result in a low radionuclide
level. A source materials license to possess low radionuclide levels (>0.05% U+Th)
will be required from the NRC.
Environmental protection measures that will be implemented to mitigate impacts to air
quality, surface and ground water, scenic values, social, fish and wildlife, vegetation,
soils, and cultural resources during project operations are addressed in the Plan of
Operations. Rare Element will assure that environmental resources are protected
through the construction of engineered water diversion and erosion control structures,
implementation of dust control measures, and the development of a contingency plan
to address spills and hazardous substance emergencies. Routine environmental
monitoring of air and water resources will provide first indication of changes in
background conditions during mining and plant operations. Mitigation to cultural
resources will be addressed through the identification of resources during ongoing
archaeological surveys and coordination with the Wyoming State Historical
Preservation Office. The identification of Traditional Cultural Properties is being
addressed between the USFS and the tribal historical preservation offices through
formal consultation processes as mandated by law.
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