Rare Element Resources
Bear Lodge Project
Canadian NI 43-101 Technical Report
October 9
, 2014
10135-200-46 - Rev. 0
pending detailed designs and stacking plans. Thereafter the expansion plans may
vary as detailed operating plans are developed and modified as needed over the life
of the project.
The Upton TSF has been designed to operate as a dry-stack facility with transport of
tailings to the TSF using haul trucks and then spread by low-presure track mounted
equipment. Compaction of the tailings will occur from the haul trucks and low-
pressure track equipment. An allowance is included in the TSF layout and design
estimate for temporary cover placement as needed for runoff and moisture uptake
control in the tailings. Access into and from the TSF will be by a network of
designated haul roads established within and around the TSF footprint. TSF
operations will generally consist of the following three activities:
Tailings transport, deposition, and management;
TSF embankment and liner construction;
On-going TSF maintenance and reclamation;
The operations at the TSF must ensure the following:
The basis of the design remains valid and design criteria are being
Changes in tailings production are accounted for;
Tailings geochemistry and physical properties are monitored and
accounted for in the event of changes from initial design criteria and
Tailings management and TSF construction planning takes into
consideration the availability of construction materials and seasonal
constraints and minimizes material handling. Design Criteria Guidelines
The WDEQ LQD is the lead agency with respect to the design, operation, and closure
of the proposed TSF. Specifically the LQD Noncoal Mine Rules and Regulations
contain the guidelines for the TSF design and permit approval. Rare Element has
applied for an exemption from the U.S. NRC guidelines for tailings impoundment
design, operation, and closure requirements. The radioactive materials in the ore
(e.g., small quantities of thorium and uranium) will be removed to acceptably low
radionuclide levels (less than 0.05 percent) from the waste streams prior to exiting the
Hydromet plant and prior to disposal in the TSF. The Wyoming State Engineer’s